التدريب لمسابقة كنغر المغرب
Moroccan Kangaroo Training
Moroccan Kangaroo Training 2025
28 MARS 2025

Moroccan Mathematics Kangaroo Competition 2023

Moroccan Mathematics Kangaroo Competition 2025

About Math Kangaroo
Math Kangaroo (also known as International Mathematical Kangaroo, or Kangourou sans frontières in French) is an international mathematical competition where over 92 countries are represented. There are twelve levels of participation, ranging from grade 1 to grade 12. According to the organizers, the key competence tested by Mathematical Kangaroo is logical combination, not just pure knowledge of formulas.
The competition was established in 1991 by André Deledicq, a professor of mathematics at the University of Paris 7, and Jean-Pierre Boudine, professor of mathematics at Marseille. The idea comes from the Australian Mathematics Competition, initiated in 1978 by Peter O’Halloran.

Mathematical Kangaroo Competition : Test Format
- This is a 90-minute exam. For Grades 5 to 12, there will be 30 questions worth 120 points, and for Grades 1 to 4, there will be 24 questions worth 96 points. Each question contains five MCQ-based options.
- Individually registered students can only take the online exam, & Schools interested in participating in the Mathematical Kangaroo Competition can apply through both offline and online modes.
- For participants who registered offline, the contest will be conducted by the designated contact person at the student’s school.
- They will be given an answer sheet (OMR Sheet) to write their response on. They can use a blank sheet for calculation and, after the exam, it must be handed back to the proctor or invigilator.
- Pre Ecolier-1 and Pre Ecolier-2 students will take the same test paper but will be ranked separately. Same applies for Ecolier-1 & 2; Benjamin-1 & 2; Cadet- 1&2; Junior-1 & 2 and Student-1 & 2.
- 1 point will be deducted for each incorrect answer, and no penalty for skipping a question.
- During the exam, pencils, pens, erasers, rulers, and other geometrical instruments are allowed.
- Instruments or gadgets like calculators, smart watches, etc. are strictly prohibited.
- The first-round perfect scorer will appear in the Final round of competition.